Why pack up and travel? I have comfortable life is San Francisco. I have a great community of family and friends, a nice apartment, an excellent job, so why is there this desire to turn everything upside down?
My life was starting to feel stagnant. I was burned out at work. After some self reflection, I asked myself, what do you really want to do? And the answer was, go explore. Sometimes great experiences come out of doing bold, exciting and scary things. So I booked a one way ticket, quit my job, and packed up my apartment.
For the most part, I’m unbelievably excited! However, there’s an annoying, worried, guilty voice in the back of my head. Did I save enough money? Is it smart to spend my savings like this? Should I buy a house instead? Will I get lonely? To which I answered: yes, yes, no and probably at some point. And then, let it go.
I want to see the world and not look at it from my computer. I want to eat new foods instead of the same salad every day for lunch. I want to meet new people who have different upbringings, perspectives and ideas from me. I want to learn and grow and think and be challenged. I want to feel creative again.
I acknowledge that I’m immensely privileged to be taking this leap. I’m thankful for it. It comes from a lot of years of hard work. I’m not sure what to expect from this adventure and I love having no expectations. It’s part of the beauty of venturing into the unknown.